Child Care and ECEAP Services
The most critical years in your child’s development occur from birth to age five. Catholic Charities' early learning classrooms focus on nurturing your child and creating opportunities to help them grow, become school-ready, and build a successful future. Using the Creative Curriculum and Teaching Strategies in all classrooms incorporates learning in every interaction. We assess your child individually and craft lessons to their specific needs based on their age and level of development.
Carroll Children’s Center and Growing Hope Child & Family Development Center provide licensed, quality-of-excellence-rated early learning classrooms. We serve all families, including children in kinship, foster care, bilingual or monolingual homes, and from economically diverse backgrounds. We have the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Programs (ECEAP) for children infant - preschool for eligible families. We offer free preschool to eligible families.
Children in this type of high-quality program nationwide are:
- Healthier when they start kindergarten.
- Less likely to be in special education or repeat a grade in school.
- More likely to graduate from high school and go on to college.
- Less likely to become pregnant as a teen or become involved in a crime.
- More likely to be employed and to earn more as an adult.
Your child’s classroom size is based on their age. Infant rooms are staffed with one teacher for every four babies. Waddler/Toddler classes (ages 12 mo. – 36 mo.) have 8 – 10 children with two teachers, and preschool children (ages 3-5) have 20 students with two teachers. Our classrooms provide comprehensive services to support the child's education, health, and family support services.
Contact & Information
Carroll Children's Center
Eligibility: Infant - 5
Cost: Based on age, Working Connections Subsidy, ECEAP, Early ECEAP
Hours: 7:00am - 5:45pm M-F
Locations: 5301 Tieton Dr., Yakima, WA
Phone Number: 509-965-7104
Growing Hope Child & Family Development Center
Eligibility: Infant - 5
Cost: Based on age, Working Connections Subsidy, ECEAP, Early ECEAP
Hours: 7:00am - 5:45pm M-F
Locations: 5201 Tieton Dr., Yakima, WA
Phone Number: 509-965-5575