Employment Services
Clients need to be at least 16 years of age and have a mental health or substance use disorder diagnosis. This program benefits homeless or recently housed clients who want to return to education, employment, or volunteer work.
Clients need to be Medicaid eligible. Applicants need to either have an intake to show care needs or have a previous provider send an intake from within the last year.
This program assists clients in the following:
- Enrolling in education
- Finding volunteer opportunities
- Securing employment
This includes assessing clients, providing interviewing techniques, coaching, assisting in finding appropriate interview clothes, supporting them through the hiring process, and then on-the-job training and support.
Click here for the FCS Employment Application/Assessment in English.
Click here for the FCS Employment Application/Assessment in Spanish.
Contact & Information
Chelan/Douglas Counties
Contact: (509) 662-6761 or fcsemployment@catholiccharitiescw.org