New Journeys: First Episode Psychosis Program
The New Journeys Program at Catholic Charities provides early intervention and comprehensive treatment for youth and young adults who have or are experiencing their first episode of psychosis. Our team of coordinated mental health specialists works collaboratively with your family and your affected loved one, in collaboration with teachers, employers, and other significant people in their life. Our team can help identify personal goals and needs for recovery to facilitate your loved one’s return to meaningful activity in their job, school, home, or other areas of life.
For more information on Washington State New Journeys programs, visit New Journeys Washington.
To submit a referral to New Journeys please fill out this FORM HERE.

Contact & Information
Douglas and Chelan Counties
Eligibility: Individuals ages 15-40, experienced a first psychotic episode within the last two years
Cost: Medicaid, insurance
Commitment: Based on treatment plan
Contact: (509) 662-6761 or